Nadene’s Home Birth Story

Writing my birth story has come at a good time as Fern McCann has just been slammed for being ‘completely unrealistic’ during a recent TV show where she shared her positive home birth story. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the majority of women seem to have experienced a “traumatic” or “horrible” birth and it has come to be expected. People are only more than happy to share these types of stories with someone who is pregnant, but then appear offended if they hear a story to the contrary. I can’t count the number of times someone made a negative remark towards labour during my pregnancy and shared their “negative” birth story to scare me off having a home birth. Why is it ok for people to share their traumatic stories, but not to celebrate a positive one? What women need to hear is more positive birth experiences to empower them and fill them with confidence rather than worry, anxiety or apprehension.  

During my career, I have heard endless accounts of women feeling traumatised from their birth. Now having experienced pregnancy and childbirth myself, I am on a mission to create more positivity, empowerment and confidence in women to trust their bodies to birth the way Mother Nature intended and to feel the insane superwoman feeling, with no regrets or trauma. I feel really passionate about sharing the importance of WHY and HOW a birth outcome can differ. I firmly believe knowledge is the ONLY reason I had this birth outcome. There is usually always a reason behind a sad birth story and guess what? It’s not that your body has failed you or you were incapable of giving birth.   

So, if you are reading this as someone that has given birth and are left unhappy by the experience, I hope you read this with an open mind and that my story brings you hope and confidence to feel empowered to take control of your next birth. Question the hospital suggestions, ask why, ask for stats, ask what the risk is if you don’t follow a recommendation, ask if it’s happening now or just a potential risk. Basically, ask lots of questions and remember that EVERYTHING is a choice, and you are ALLOWED to do anything you wish. It’s your body and baby!  

My favourite bit about my birth story, is that no one can ever tell me that I was one of the “lucky ones”. My birth was not plain sailing by any means. In fact, quite the opposite. Being well read on the physiology of birth, research with actual statistics and different complications that could arise, meant I could confidently and calmly navigate my way through the hurdles as they occurred.  

Before I start, I must state a disclaimer. This blog is in no way to be used as medical advice for your own personal situation. This is just an account of my own experience and the decisions that I made based on my own research and belief system as an individual woman… who just so happens to be a Chiropractor. The decisions you make should be based on your own circumstances, research and discussions with the medical professionals in your birth team. I do feel privileged that my career has allowed me access to know what to read and to challenge the normal pathways. It has moulded my belief system to prefer natural alternatives and to trust in the innate ability for the body to know what to do. I believe there is a time and a place for medical intervention because 100% of births would not be successful if trusted completely to nature, but there are an increasing number of interventions occurring with statistically WORSE outcomes. 

So having already said quite a bit, I hope you are sat comfortably with a cuppa, as it’s obvious this is not going to be short and sweet. It’s going to be an honest account and full of TMIs. Here is my birth story and my proudest achievement EVER …  

On Wednesday 28th June I was exactly 39 weeks pregnant and hadn’t been treating for a week and a half. It was late in the night and I was propped up in bed working away on my laptop in the dark, whilst JJ was asleep next to me. That evening I had been to my wonderful weekly pregnancy yoga class but felt very alert and wired so used the time to crack on with my never-ending admin list. As I was sat there I started to feel faint, pulsing period pains in my back. They were very low level, sporadic and momentary. Fully aware what this might mean, I knew I needed to get some rest, so closed the laptop and went to sleep. I was surprised how well I slept and only felt the discomfort when I actively checked in to see if was still there, but it didn’t keep me awake. When I woke in the morning, I told JJ what I had been feeling. I explained to him that they were likely to vanish during the day due to the daylight and its effect on hormones, but things will probably ramp up again that night.  

Now this is where it becomes a bit comical. Whilst JJ was getting ready for work, he was shocked to discover he didn’t have any hot water for his shower. After some tweaking of the boiler, investigations in the basement and helpful phone calls to a plumber patient of mine (thank you), we worked out that we needed to buy a replacement part for the boiler. Obviously, all of this was less than ideal when planning a water birth at home. JJ’s lunch break task was to pop to screw fix to get the missing part.  

I messaged the gym first thing to let them know I wouldn’t be able to make the morning class because of the contractions. I decided to just carry on with my plans for the day, but I felt like going to a weightlifting class at F45, probably wasn’t the wisest idea. I met up with my friend, Ali for a dog walk around the racecourse mid-morning, who was in as much disbelief as me that I might be in early labour. Contractions had become less frequent whilst walking but seemed to return on the drive home. I went to lunch with another friend, before going to a nail appointment with my mum at 2pm. It was whilst I was at the nail salon that the contractions became more frequent and slightly more intense. I started practicing my breathing, as it had become strong enough to make me wince. I also thought it might be the right time to text my Doula with a heads up, as she was coming from Cirencester.  

I left the nail salon at 4.15pm with my mum and in hindsight I should have sent her home with the dogs then and there, as it wasn’t long before things really kicked off. Once home, I went into panic mode knowing that tonight was most likely to be THE night and the house was a STATE! I was convinced that I was going to be “late” and had psychologically prepared myself to be 2 weeks past my estimated due date. I was actually looking forward to the extra time off and had lots of plans and tasks to accomplish. The baby obviously had other plans and I was not prepared in the slightest! I quickly decided that dusting the house should not be high on the priority list, so stopped what I was doing and had a lay down on the bed. JJ messaged to say he would be a little later home, so he could finish off some bits at work knowing he wouldn’t be back in for a few weeks. I must have fallen asleep, as when JJ came in the bedroom it was around 6pm and we started timing contractions with the Freya App. They were occurring 3 every 10 minutes by this point, so it was probably time to call the midwife.  

As I stood up from the bed my waters broke with a proper gush. I was expecting more of a trickle, as had read that it isn’t as they dramatically portray in the movies. Mine was exactly like the movies! I was glad I was wearing some absorbent trousers, as I was immediately fretting about the carpet. From this point, my memory is a little hazy and I become lost in a time warp. JJ definitely started to panic. Not because I was in labour, but the time pressure of completing important tasks. He asked me what he should do first, call the midwife, call the Doula or fix the boiler. I remember shouting at him to do all 3 at once and quickly! Thanks to our amazing friends who live a few doors away for coming to the rescue. They collected the dogs to take to my parents and picked up some shopping as the fridge was completely empty … as I said, we really weren’t prepared.  

JJ rang triage and he was put through to the community midwife department who are responsible for home births, we luckily got through to Kate. I met Kate several times during a couple of antenatal appointments when my designated midwife was off. I was all prepared to put up a fight towards the resistance I assumed I would be met with regarding my birthing preferences. Kate took the time to discuss so much with me and it was really reassuring when I discovered she shared the same belief system as me, having had all three of her children at home. As Kate took the call and knew me, she decided to attend even though she was just about to clock off and go home after a full day at the hospital. I can’t believe she ended up spending 16 hours at my house! I learnt that midwives are only allowed to be on duty for 12 hours with home births, before having to switch with another. Bless Kate, as she stayed an extra 4 hours sat at my kitchen table off duty, but hopeful that there would be an arrival at any moment… Unfortunately not. 

After my waters broke, the contractions intensified pretty quickly. I was left on the bedroom floor in an adapted child’s pose breathing through the contractions, whilst frantically cancelling appointments by text and letting Gabby, our Clinic Manager, know that I was signing off and she needed to take the full reigns. JJ was down in the basement trying to fix the boiler, whilst the midwife and Doula were on their way. I remember labouring in my bedroom for quite a few hours. I spent most of the time lying down on my side with my Doula, Sinead, helping me with leg lift rotations during contractions to help open my pelvis or applying pressure on my back. All my contractions were in my back and felt like very intense period pain. I wouldn’t have been able to cope with them without hands baring down for each contraction. I did try a few other positions whilst in the bedroom, from bouncing on my birth ball to kneeling, but was most comfortable on the bed.  

Whilst mentally prepping for birth, I had planned to try and sleep between contractions, which bizarrely I was actually able to do. I knew this would be important to sustain a “long labour”, which most women tend to have with their first. The other thing I was conscious of, was refuelling. So, at about 9pm JJ went and heated up the chilli our lovely friends had purchased during the emergency food shop. Now please don’t assume I fancied eating because I absolutely did not. I felt sick at the thought of food, but I knew it was essential and therefore forced about a third of it down.  

By 10pm, I felt like I had exhausted the pain relief properties of the tens machine and asked if I could get into the pool, which was a cue for JJ to go and set it up. The midwife had only been checking on me every hour, spending the rest of the time sat quietly outside the bedroom making friends with my cat, Alfie. Good job the bookcase she was next to was the one thing I dusted in my post nails panic frenzy – HA. I consented to having my vitals checked such as blood pressure, heart rate and temperature. I also allowed her to check the babies heart rate with the Doppler at this same frequency. We had actually agreed every 30 minutes during my birth plan antenatal appointment, which was already double the recommended time, but Kate knew I wanted an uninterrupted birth and allowed for an hour in the moment, as she said things were progressing well.  

Even though Kate commented to the Doula that I was very calm and quiet, therefore it was difficult to gage exactly how far along I was, she predicted that I would have been about 8cm dilated at this time. The reason it was a prediction, is because I declined all vaginal examinations. This was something I had researched in quite some detail and the reasons I declined this type of monitoring is that it increases the risk of infection; it can be psychologically disheartening as the labouring mother to be told “you are only…3cm dilated”, when you feel you should be further along; it’s very subjective and potentially inaccurate as it can change so quickly. My last reason was learning about why the NICE guidelines recommend that it’s performed every 4 hours, because when compared to every 2 hours, it showed no difference in outcome. There hadn’t been any research completed comparing the outcomes to if none were performed, which makes absolutely no sense in my logical mind. If you would like to hear more on this I’d recommend listening to this episode from an amazing podcast called, The Midwives Caldron. 

Around 11pm, I slowly made my way downstairs to get into the birth pool that was set up in my living room. Sinead had beautifully set out fairy lights, which made it look so lovely and tranquil. This recognition was momentary before zoning out, back into my own little world using my hypnobreathing. The water felt amazing around my bump and hugely helped in taking the edge off the pain in my back. I hadn’t been in the pool long before I felt the urge to start pushing. It certainly was a sensation that I could not hold back even if I had wanted to.  

I pushed in the pool for quite some hours, spending most of the time on my knees. Again, I managed to sleep between contractions and JJ commented when we were reminiscing how out of it I looked, with eyes rolling in the back of my head. I must admit I did feel like I was on another planet. Looking back, I can thank the natural high of the oxytocin. This is something that can be experienced when the environment remains calm and undisturbed with no medical drugs involved to alter the hormonal system at play. It was honestly the best pain relief! I had to give myself a bit of an internal pep talk whilst in the pool. As I had predicted as the control freak that I am, I started to feel embarrassed about the lack of control of my bowels. I had to tell myself that it was ok, everyone (minus JJ) had seen it all before and it didn’t matter. I had to remind myself to surrender to birth and everything that came with it.  

One of the most frustrating things was that whilst in the pool, I started to feel the ring of fire. Meaning it was the beginning of the end, but this was a momentary sensation as then it was gone. Having spent hours on my knees in the pool, I was getting really uncomfortable and started changing positions. I think I was trying to find the “magic position” that was going to accelerate labour. I had been in the pool for hours and it was somehow Friday morning. They had to keep topping the pool up to keep it warm enough, as I had been in there so long. I was advised to get out of the pool as everything had stalled. Even my contractions were slowing down and spreading out, with all pressure in my backside rather than the birth canal. I had read about how a water birth is amazing for pain relief but can slow down labour. It appears this might have happened to me.  

Having spent the early hours of the morning pushing and very aware that I hadn’t experienced any of the natural descent of the baby that I had read about, I was surprised as I got out of the pool to feel my pelvic floor squeeze the baby’s head back up. I hadn’t even realised it was down until I felt it go up again. I was in disbelief and couldn’t believe I was going to have to psych myself up to start all over again. It also highlighted to me that I was having to physically push every little bit of the head down, without any natural migration and I couldn’t help but wonder why.  

I needed to rest and decided to have a lie down on the sofa. God! I have the worst sofas for giving birth on. The seats are too deep and angled back. Having shower curtains on the sofa for protection only hindered the ability to get comfortable and gain any traction to anchor on. Whilst I was here, propped up on my side, we had our one and only dodgy heart rate reading from the baby. Kate, the midwife, was so calm and suggested I changed positions as she thought it was the reason for a drop in heart rate. She sure was right! As soon as I moved, she rechecked and everything was ok again. Thankfully, throughout my birth the baby’s heart rate was fine. I do think my story might have had a different outcome if this hadn’t been the case.  

Feeling pretty deflated, we discussed whether I should try some gas and air. It was the one form of medical pain relief I was open to potentially needing, but only on my request. I asked if it would be worth trying to help me relax, thinking this might be the reason why things weren’t progressing, especially with my overactive pelvic floor muscle. Kate let me know that gas and air was likely to slow down and dampen the sensations of my contractions. That was all I needed to hear to put that idea to bed and it was never mentioned again.  

I continued to labour for a few hours, when Kate came in to tell us that they needed to change midwives as she had come to the end of her 12-hour allowance, so it must have been about 7am. The fear I felt hearing this was all consuming. I remember irrationally thinking to beg JJ that we’d pay her any amount of money for her to stay. I loved Kate and I was petrified of her leaving. I felt so safe with her. She was so calm and most importantly, she shared the same beliefs as me around birth. How would I know if the next one did, and could I trust them?! 

The next series of events are somewhat of a blur and at this point I had been actively pushing for 7-8 hours. I must have been moving about, as I remember I was standing when we discovered that I was bleeding. There happened to be white puppy pads on the floor, which helped catch it for us to assess. This occurred during the new midwifes watch and discussions were had on increasing the frequency of the Doppler to check for baby distress and also transferring into hospital due to a risk of haemorrhaging, which is when the ambulance was called by the midwives. This all seemed very over the top to me as there was a lot of fluid, but it was water fluid with some blood in, rather than lots of thick blood. I agreed to an increase in the Doppler, to every 10 minutes I believe, but the discussion for transferring was had later.  

Unfortunately, there was something about the new midwife that I just didn’t gel with. I am sure she was a perfectly lovely person and I do feel bad retrospectively, but I ended up asking her not to come back in the room. She was a much bubblier personality compared to the calm, whispering nature of Kate and I just couldn’t connect with that. She was a lot more audibly present when doing her checks and lingered with the Doppler for what felt like an eternity, as if searching for a problem. Kate used to tip toe into the room, whispered, quick in, out and then gone again. When I requested for the new midwife to not come back in, I discovered Kate was still in the kitchen. She came back in to talk and reassure me. She understood that I didn’t want the current midwife back in the room and explained that she had just called another lead midwife, Oli, who shared the same philosophy of birth and was on her way to my house. I later found out that Oli also wasn’t working and had just finished at the gym as she got the call. I did subconsciously wonder why she was in lycra shorts and a vest top, but was a little distracted at the time to fully acknowledge her attire. Kate coming back to tell me this was honestly the most reassuring thing ever, but I think by this point if she had told me there was a purple unicorn in the sky, I would have believed her. It just so happens that Oli was EXACTLY the type of midwife I envisaged having at the birth. She was the perfect combination of cool, calm and collected with a military air about her, that you just knew she could help get the job done.  

At some point, I clocked that I hadn’t peed since the very early hours of the morning when I was in the pool. I knew that a full bladder could block the pelvis and stall labour. It was now our mission to get me to pee and oh goodness me, it was a hell of a mission, as basically, I couldn’t. We tried everything! JJ trickling water from the pool, it’s only use since being made redundant hours ago. Making ssshhhing noises to mimic water flow. All whilst sat on a Porta Potti in my living room, but still…. Nothing. That was when I requested a catheter at about 10.30am, as I instinctively knew that this was stalling labour. None of the contractions where present through my vagina and it felt like every push and J-breath was wasted in my back passage. I knew something was blocking the pathway. The catheter was one of the most unpleasant things and definitely worse than labour pain. It was also the only part of labour that bothered me for months postnatally as I had a graze and UTI as a consequence, but I know it was needed. It certainly did the trick, as I was able to feel sensations in the right direction again, which I hadn’t felt since being in the pool.  

Whilst having the catheter procedure done, I had the opportunity to have a vaginal examination to assess why there might be a stall with labour. I decided against this, and I am so glad I did. There was speculation that there might be something wrong with the position of the baby, so rather than have it confirmed, we just went about trying different positions to help readjust the baby. My Doula suggested using the rebozo which is basically a cloth to help wiggle your body to help the baby move. It’s part of the Spinning babies techniques, which is also recommended during pregnancy if your baby is back to back, breach or transverse. We performed a position where I was in a kneeling/forearm downward dog with the rebozo around my bottom and pelvis, which the Doula shimmied during each contraction. I was also smelling Clary Sage on a piece of tissue paper to help ramp up my contractions again, which really did work! 

There was a moment during this phase of time where we really questioned whether I was going to be able to do this. I was questioning my body and why birth didn’t seem to be progressing. I remember looking at JJ with the saddest puppy dog eyes, asking if we were really going to get into the ambulance? I said to him, there wasn’t a chance this birth was going to happen naturally if we went. It would end in ventouse, forceps or emergency C-section. I was honestly gutted at even the thought of this. The discussion didn’t really come to a conclusion, as I somehow just carried on without any verbalisation of this.  

As I was moving around, I found a great position of being in a lunge whilst leaning on the sofa. This, along with having released my bladder and smelling the Clary Sage, I felt like things were moving again. Oli helped coach me slightly on my pushing, because it was felt that I was expelling wasted energy by not pushing the J-breath down and around the bend, but by becoming more vocal. I had been pretty quiet until now. This was where I discovered there was another level of pushing. I have to admit it was a really forced type of pushing and not one I was expecting after I had read so much about there being this natural descent. We found out later why this wasn’t the case for me. 

I was here for a couple of hours, before feeling tired and especially from being on my knees again. JJ and Sinead were so lovely as they kept putting up with my demands to reposition the towels under my knees, but all I could feel was the hard wooden floor underneath. I also felt like I couldn’t gain traction to push against something, so I came up with a great idea. I tried sitting on the edge of the sofa, but as I said before, our sofas were rubbish and too soft. Therefore, I suggested that I sat on top of JJ with my legs over his, so I could bear down on them whilst pushing my legs into the floor. This ended up being my final birthing position and certainly not one I had imagined – HA!  

Even though this was the beginning of the end…. AGAIN, we would still have more hiccups to overcome. I kept pushing and pushing and just didn’t understand why this baby’s head wasn’t coming out. I was becoming very frustrated and had been pushing for over 13 hours. Oli suggested doing some perineum massage during contractions to try and stretch the area and aid the head coming out. This was SO painful but I’m sure it helped. Around this time, I was asked if I wanted a mirror to see the head crowning. In all honesty, I was too scared to look. I was concerned that not much of the head would be visible compared to what I thought should be, causing me to be disheartened and feel like giving up.  

It’s apparent that the midwife had sussed out what sort of person I was when she started the sentence ‘Nadene, I know you aren’t going to want to hear this…’ and she was right, because I didn’t, but understood that she needed to tell me. She had seen that some meconium was coming out, which can indicate a sign of stress in the baby. She asked if she could check the baby’s heartbeat between every contraction, which I didn’t mind at this point. I knew that we were near the end, whatever that looked like. The outcome was going to be either end of the extremes, so changes to this type of birth preference felt irrelevant to me now. I continued to push at this 2nd level and had been for a few hours. My made-up birth position had progressed to having one foot pushing against Oli and the other against Sinead, whilst still using JJ’s legs to pull/push against. It’s comical looking back picturing it all.  

With the ongoing struggle, Oli asked if I would like to consider an episiotomy to release the head as it was becoming increasingly obvious that it just wasn’t coming out. I was at my wits end and didn’t know how much longer I had in me. I just wanted it to be over. An episiotomy was not in my birth plan and to be honest, I was surprised this was even an option during a home birth. I know that I would feel content knowing this was a better outcome than having to go to hospital for more aggressive interventions. I think I dithered with my answer and remember Sinead checking if it was really something I wanted to proceed with. It wasn’t what I initially wanted, but I couldn’t see another way. I was knackered! Oli said she would just get the anaesthetic ready just in case. As her and the other midwife started getting lots of bits out and prepped, something came over me to try in one last desperate attempt to get this baby out by myself. I found ANOTHER level of pushing and that’s when the Tyrannosaurus Rex entered the room. My poor neighbours! The brute force of this push was something I didn’t even know I possessed.  

FINALLY, my little baby boy entered the world at 1.37pm on Friday 30th June. Everyone was surprised once his head finally popped out. I was quickly shouted at by the midwife, who jumped back into action away from setting up the episiotomy equipment, and the Doula to stop pushing to allow a pause before the rest of his body followed. Sinead helped coach me on my breathing as I wanted to prevent severe tearing. She got me to pant/blow through pursed lips to help facilitate the ‘floppy face, floppy fanny’ theory, which is one key factor in preventing tearing. JJ was also stroking my forehead to stop me tensing my face. Before I knew it or was even aware, the rest of his body came flying out and his little, long slippery white covered body was on my chest. JJ who was still behind me, started to cry and just kept whispering in my ear that I did it. I was so shocked and overwhelmed, as I was in disbelief that I had actually done it after what felt like the biggest uphill battle for many hours. I DID IT! With no medical intervention or drugs!  

He wasn’t quite making the right noises initially, so there was a lot of back/body rubbing occurring whilst he was on me. Oli was just conscious of the meconium, aware that he might have inhaled some and wanted him to be crying or making some strong sounds to ensure it was clear from his lungs. It also become blatantly obvious what the problem had been, due to the shape of his head. He had the same suction mark and swelling as if he had been pulled out by ventouse. Oli explained that his neck would have been deflexed, so instead of entering through the crown of his head, the smallest part, he was coming through the very top, the widest. 

My birth preference was to have a physiological lotus birth, which is when the placenta is birthed still attached to the baby. The reason for wanting this was to ensure optimal cord clamping. I didn’t want it to be governed by time and stating a lotus birth, I could decide when it was cut with no pressure. Secondly, I would have loved a photo. Like the rest of the birth, this obviously couldn’t be straight forward. Looking back, I realise the calm birthing atmosphere went out the window as soon as he was born. I was so elated that he was here and I had got my dream home birth, that I forgot about everything else. Lights went on, people stopped whispering and were in and out like yoyos. This might have disturbed my hormones in birthing the placenta as it just didn’t seem to want to come out. I kept waiting for a contraction or period like pain to occur, but nothing happened. Time went fairly fast initially as I was having skin-to-skin cuddles with my baby boy. I tried to breastfeed him, but this was difficult as I couldn’t get him to open his mouth to latch, so hand expressing was suggested. This can aid the release of the placenta, along with us trying skin-to-skin contact and smelling Clary Sage. 


Two hours went by and I was feeling tethered and immobilised from being attached to the baby lying on shower curtains. Not to mention sore downstairs and globally uncomfortable with the most severe DOMs I’ve ever known. At this stage we decided to cut the cord, which JJ had the privilege of doing. It had definitely stopped pulsing and the cord was white, so I was satisfied the baby had received all the goodness from it. I could really sense the midwife, a new one after Oli had left, was starting to become irritated as I wouldn’t accept the injection as the placenta hadn’t come out yet. A midwife must stay with you for two hours after the placenta is out to make sure you don’t haemorrhage, which there was still apprehension of due to the blood in the waters during labour. To mitigate against this, I decided to dab some of the blood from the placenta into the side of my mouth. Now I know this is gross, but having read this can help prevent haemorrhaging I was prepared to do anything to stop this happening.  

Another two hours passed of trying to cough, push and wait for this placenta to exit. I was desperate for a shower as I felt beyond disgusting and was covered in blood and just hanging out in my living room with no pants on. I felt I needed to use gravity as I had been lounging on the sofa. The midwife agreed to cut the cord a bit but was frightened to do too much in case she needed to pull on it with an assisted delivery. She helped me put a pad and pants on and escorted me up the stairs to the third floor where my bathroom was. It was 5.30pm and I had the realisation that I hadn’t released my bladder since the 10.30am catheter. This could be the problem! I was also desperate to sit on a normal toilet rather than the Porta Potti.  

Thankfully I was able to release my bladder a little bit, but still no urge to push the placenta out. I had been trying to push without the contraction. It was time to talk about the next steps, as the ambulance was still outside waiting to be released by the midwife, but apprehensive incase I would need it. I felt like I needed to do something and comply so the poor lady could go home. I did feel guilty that the ambulance had been waiting outside for hours too and the panic my neighbours must have had. I reluctantly agreed to have the injection, but asked if I could wait until the medicated urge occurred to push it out instead of it being pulled out by the cord. Emma, the midwife agreed and left me in the bathroom to go downstairs to get it. Once she left, I thought to myself F this (excuse my language). I hadn’t got this far, through all of that, without even a hint of medical pain relief to fall down at the very last bit. So I decided to give it one last go. I squatted down over the sharps box that she had left me with, and the T-Rex reentered the room. Two roars and it plopped out! HURRAY!!!!!! I shouted down the stairs “I DID IT!” at the very moment Emma’s foot touched the last step. I felt like an absolute superhero….. I DID IT!!!! I got my dream physiological home birth with no medical intervention.  

If you’ve made to here, I applaud you for reading to the end. As well as wanting to share my experience with other women to inspire them to feel empowered with trusting their bodies to birth their babies. I also selfishly wanted to document the moment to ensure I remembered it forever. 

To summarise, I had a long labour; 7 midwives; pushed for 14 hours; blood in waters with “increased risk” of haemorrhaging; an ambulance on standby outside my house for 6 hours; meconium; deflexed baby head position; grade 2 tear declining stitches and a retained placenta of 4+ hours. I was NOT one of the “lucky ones”, but what I was, was well-read and able to evaluate the risk and make educated decisions based on knowledge and not fear. I got my dream home birth and it’s even more bittersweet with all the hiccups that occurred along the way. The outcome could have been very different though. Oli even mentioned during one of her postnatal visits, that if these events had occurred during a hospital birth, I might have been pressured into having an emergency C-section or forceps. Other factors that I believe were vital in aiding my home birth were that I was very fit going into labour having exercised throughout pregnancy, I continued to eat and drink through labour, I remained calm during the early stage of labour, carrying on with my day, I wasn’t scared nor excited, just calm and probably in denial. I wasn’t impatient to meet my baby and had psychologically prepped myself for him to be “late”. 

I have no trauma associated with my birth. Even though there was a moment during labour I thought ‘I’m never doing this again’. As soon as he was born, I couldn’t wait to do it all over again. I had the most insane superhero feeling that lasted a solid 2 weeks. It was a high like no other! Part of me has a slight worry about if the next baby has the same tricky head position, but I am already filling my mind with positivity by telling myself, if I can do it once, I can do it again. This is the type of language we need to be using with expectant mothers to be. Not suggesting that their bodies are incapable and implying that next time I should just have a C-section because “just in case”. We need to change the narrative and I’m here to try and do just that. Even if it’s just on a small scale with family, friends and my patients.  

My next blog in this series focuses on how I prepared for birth, followed by one on my postnatal recovery. If I haven’t bored you to tears with this one, I hope to see you tune into them.  

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    Mandy Shardlow
    09:00 22 Mar 23
    Ellie has helped massively with my back issues using multiple techniques to fix it. I now have exercises to help with... strengthening my back going forward. With Ellie being very easy to talk to, knowledgeable and feeling refreshed when I leave it makes it an appointment l enjoy. Will recommend Ellie to family and friends. Booking is easy and Tivoli Chiropractic’s is a very professional and polite more
    13:05 05 Feb 23
    The facility is brilliant, clean efficient and friendly. They have a range of expertise to help get you moving... correctly again.I have personally used the chiropractic facilities, but I am sure the rest of the staff are just as good.Katie on the front desk is your first contact and she portrays the excellence of the facilities with her attention to detail and friendly more
    Stef K
    Stef K
    09:08 29 Dec 22
    Nadene is a fantastic Chiropractor, I would and do recommend her to all my friends and family. Warm and welcoming team... at the clinic. I can honestly say after being part of the Tivoli Family even before the clinic opened I would not trust anyone else to look after my more
    Kirsty Coleman
    Kirsty Coleman
    09:47 28 Dec 22
    I cannot recommend Tivoli chiropractic clinic enough.I first went to see Nadene 6 years ago after the birth of my... daughter and my sciatica was so bad that I could barely move. Within a couple of appointments she had me moving and pain significantly reduced.But from that point on Nadene has been a part of my whole families well being and we come to the clinic on a regular basis. We couldn’t be without her!Nadene is a fantastic chiropractor and the whole clinic team are friendly and more
    Jane Raymond
    Jane Raymond
    11:31 17 Nov 22
    I am so glad I found McCoy at the Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic. Having just arrived from Australia I was worried about... finding a practitioner who used the sacro-occipital technique I was familiar with, but I need not have feared! My back and neck are so improved. McCoy is always positive and as well as great treatments, she gives very helpful advice on day to day small changes that make a real difference. Thank you Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic!read more
    Peter Ethelston
    Peter Ethelston
    08:26 14 Oct 22
    Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic was recommended to me as I was struggling with hip pain that was getting to the point where... I was struggling to run or sit for extended periods and it was waking me up at night. I went for an assessment, had 5 treatments and another assessment and am now moving into a maintenance phase with exercises. The chiropractor who is treating me has been professional, friendly and helpful throughout. The treatments have helped far more that I had expected and I am almost pain free and without medication. I was also given helpful advice that alleviated other symptoms that I was dealing with. Reception is friendly and helpful and I have always managed to get appointments at times that suit me. The environment is clean and accessible and I have felt well looked more
    Hels Myatt
    Hels Myatt
    16:05 08 Oct 22
    McCoy has so much knowledge & has worked miracles on my ongoing pain. After only a few short weeks the difference is... incredible. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone. The whole team are friendly & I always feel welcomed!read more
    17:11 04 Oct 22
    Nadene and the brilliant team at Tivoli Chiropractic have helped me with an ongoing issue that affects my long-distance... running. I’ve tried every kind of treatment in the past without any solution, but thanks to Nadene, I feel like I have got to the bottom of what it is and how to manage it, and am now able to train for a new marathon with less fear of pain. Thank you, Tivoli Chiropractic!read more
    Kirk Steel
    Kirk Steel
    17:23 29 Sep 22
    I have had a number of treatments at Tivoli Chiropractic utilising both chiropractic and sports massage services. In... all cases, regardless of who has treated me, I have always had an amazing service. It is not always comfortable but I know that my muscles and skeleton will be all the better for it! I have recommended the practice to a number of friends and colleagues and we all agree - it is outstanding in all more
    Nicky Hilton
    Nicky Hilton
    12:47 28 Sep 22
    Nadene and colleagues offer a wonderful, professional service tailored to your needs. I’d not been to a chiropractor... before, and wasn’t sure what to expect, but Nadene took the time to explain the treatment, answer my questions, and involve me fully in all decisions. I would highly recommend the more
    18:13 05 Sep 22
    I've had a wonderful experience with Nadene. I was so nervous to go to a chiropractor but my shoulder and back pain was... so bad I had to face it. She was very attentive and thorough in her initial assessment and in just half a dozen sessions I was barely in any pain at all! I can't recommend her enough to anyone thinking about trying more
    Rebekah Kubista
    Rebekah Kubista
    19:02 03 Sep 22
    I've been seeing Nadene since 2016 and have followed her from place to place until she opened Tivoli Chiropractic. She... and JJ have built a phenomenal business with an incredible team of people. Their knowledge of the body and modern practices combined with their wide range of therapies make them the number one place to visit for your needs. I have referred several individuals to the clinic and will continue to do more
    Julie Mokume
    Julie Mokume
    17:55 25 Aug 22
    For over 15 years I have been treated by many different chiropractors so I can say with absolute certainty that Nadene... is by far the most competent, thorough and effective chiropractor I have ever found. This, as well as her extensive knowledge (not just in the chiropractor sector - I actually asked her if she was a doctor in my last session!!), care and passion only scratch the surface as to why I would recommend her to anyone needing treatment. There’s no quick in-and-out the door approach like many in the profession - there is never the feeling of being rushed out the door as Nadene always takes her time to ensure I get the most out of each treatment session. Seeing Nadene is like seeing my sister; she listens, she consults, she advises and moreover - she’s not afraid to pull me up on matters such as not having started Pilate lessons yet or had a ‘mommy MOT’ - yet always does so with such diplomacy and genuine care for my needs. Nadene is very easy to talk to and I usually leave with my ribs hurting from laughing so much. I honestly can’t speak highly enough of her. If you need treatment - please, give her a go because she’s awesome ☺️read more
    Simona Sudziute
    Simona Sudziute
    14:45 09 Aug 22
    Received shockwave treatment for my hip which worked so well. Thank you.
    Nina C
    Nina C
    12:48 21 Jun 22
    The place is clean and comfy, making me feel less stressed. My therapist JJ is professional and friendly.
    Mathilda Brown
    Mathilda Brown
    13:58 28 Apr 22
    Great staff. Helpful and informative. Brilliant local business.
    Elaine Bailey
    Elaine Bailey
    13:21 23 Apr 22
    After several months of feeling I would have to face up to a chronic painful back I discovered the clinic and Nadene at... the Suffolks fair. She assured me that she would be able to help with this problem and I booked an assessment at the clinic, followed by several treatments. I can honestly say the pain has gone and my back feels robust and reliable again such that I can happily lift my grandchildren without fear. She has been very encouraging, suggesting various things I can do to keep myself more
    07:00 21 Apr 22
    At 19 weeks pregnant, pelvic girdle pain struck leaving me hardly able to move or walk without pain. By chance I was... recommended to see pregnancy chiropractor, Nadene Lidington. From my first appointment with Nadene her treatment was magic, fully assessing what were the contributing factors to my PGP and her tailored treatment provided instant relief from the pain. I left the clinic able to walk normally again, very happy. The frequency of my visits are tailored to how my body is responding to the treatment as I progress through pregnancy, but the PGP is so well managed now I am no longer limited by it despite my job requiring extensive hours of driving. I cannot recommend the Tivoli Clinic and Nadene enough, especially for pregnancy related ailments, her warm and super friendly professionalism is equally matched by her extensive knowledge and methods of treatment. At my last appointment Nadene treated my pregnancy acid reflux, something I had no idea could be treated. I had never heard of a pregnancy chiropractor before but I feel very fortunate that I was recommended to see Nadene, she has transformed my experience of pregnancy for me to be able to finally enjoy it. For those suffering with PGP or any pregnancy ailments, you do not need to suffer, make an appointment to see the lovely more
    david david
    david david
    15:26 08 Feb 22
    A very friendly team and thoroughly professional. Kelly has helped me tremendously in a short period of time. Highly... more
    Lyn Davison
    Lyn Davison
    14:42 08 Feb 22
    Very friendly, very professional, would definitely recommend Tivoli Chiropractor Clinic.
    Emily Simons
    Emily Simons
    17:06 03 Feb 22
    I had a Mummy MOT appointment with Louise and couldn’t recommend her more. She listened carefully to my questions and... concerns and provided a thorough check up which left me feeling very reassured. I would urge anyone who is post partum to book in and get themselves a Mummy MOT with Louise!read more
    Katie Cornwell
    Katie Cornwell
    16:35 20 Jan 22
    Angela was amazing! She was quick to diagnose my problem and give excellent expert treatment. Such a lovely person too... - and all in a beautiful environment. I would highly more
    Gabriella Esposito
    Gabriella Esposito
    19:39 09 Jan 22
    Cannot recommend enough!! Helped me out so much.
    Kim Fuellenbach
    Kim Fuellenbach
    18:14 27 Dec 21
    I can only speak extremely positively about the team at Tivoli. I have seen Gabby for a number of sessions and my neck... pain and hip flexor issues have noticeably increased. Gabby communicates so clearly and gave me great exercises to do at home. I particularly appreciate her long-term outlook to ensure I’ll be able to manage myself in the long run. Excellent!read more
    Anselm Guise
    Anselm Guise
    08:09 21 Dec 21
    Always feel better after being beaten up !!! Seriously, really great work is always done when I see Nadine and Gabby.... Strongly more
    Ian Harvey
    Ian Harvey
    18:41 18 Nov 21
    Nadene was fantastic in diagnosing my back problem and then resolving the issues, I am now pain free after a few... sessions. She really takes time to listen and understand the issues before working on a programme of rehabilitation and personal exercise. A very caring practise which has your well-being at the heart of their business. I have already recommended Nadene to a few friends who are suffering various joint issues as they can see what a positive impact she has had on my back. Many thanks Nadene, hopefully I won’t need to return!read more
    RMC Cogan
    RMC Cogan
    13:18 10 Nov 21
    Had a bad back for nearly 20 years now due to courier work. Kelly has done an exceptional job on helping me with my... back pain, Thank you kellyread more
    John Pymer
    John Pymer
    09:08 01 Nov 21
    I had a fantastic treatment with Gabby at this clinic. The session was purchased for me as a gift and Gabby was... brilliant in taking the time to understand what I might expect and need, and very professional throughout the treatment that she delivered. I'd highly recommend Gabby and the clinic to anyone looking for such more
    Sally Parsley
    Sally Parsley
    11:07 29 Sep 21
    I have been treated by Nadene for many years. She has a fantastic manner and has tailored my treatment around my... medical needs and has guided me through getting my hypermobility diagnosis. My children have also be treated by Nadene, she works with their needs and explains everything to them. I would highly recommend more
    Scott Salter
    Scott Salter
    13:11 14 Sep 21
    My first experience receiving chiropractic treatment and would thoroughly recommend. Kelly is really friendly and my... back is feeling a million times better! Can't recommend enough!read more
    james buckley
    james buckley
    20:29 13 Sep 21
    I have been receiving treatment from Kelly Nicol on a very painful shoulder. I have seen a huge improvement and now I... only need to see Kelly once a month. She is patient and clearly very knowledgeable , I would definitely recommend herread more
    Max scarrott
    Max scarrott
    18:51 13 Sep 21
    10/10. Have never had a bad experience here, and everyone I have recommended has been either fixed or improved. Very... friendly and understanding would highly more
    Katie Dobson
    Katie Dobson
    06:12 26 Aug 21
    I’ve had ongoing issues with my back and neck, so came to see Nadene after recommendations from friends. After just 4... sessions I’ve noticed 100% improvement and wish I’d come sooner! The clinic is gorgeous and Nadene is so friendly and knowledgeable. I will be recommending Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic to all my friends and familyread more
    Andy Ball
    Andy Ball
    20:32 25 Aug 21
    After suffing with an undiagnosed hip problem for a number of years and following a series of (uncuccessful/unhelpful!)... programs with other Chirporactors, I began seeing Nadene at Tivoli Chiropractic in 2019.From the get-go I was really taken in by Nadene's sytle of care. She's provided an unparalleled level of care, attention and knowledge around my hip issue that has now allowed me to understand and manage it inline with my ongoing sports goals and lifestyle.Highly recommend!!read more
    Maggie Grady
    Maggie Grady
    07:02 23 Jul 21
    Nadene is a wonderful chiropractor! I came with a nasty back injury and she really helped me through, with excellent,... tailored treatment, but also with plans for rehabilitation. I thoroughly recommend this more
    Jess Parsons
    Jess Parsons
    07:26 28 May 21
    A fantastic clinic. Nadene explains everything in simple terms so you can understand yourself what is going on with... your body. Totally professional but with a twist of down to earth more
    Ali Brinsford
    Ali Brinsford
    17:09 20 Apr 21
    I genuinely could not be more happy to recommend Nadene and Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic!I went with a chronic back pain... and knee issues and have had the best treatment.I feel stronger and more confident in my body than I have done in years! Incredibly knowledgeable and made to feel at ease straight away.Thank you so much!read more
    Gina Morris
    Gina Morris
    15:59 09 Apr 21
    I have been receiving treatment for a frozen shoulder since February of this year 2021! and I have to say the... treatments are truly amazing. I have been seeing Kelly Nicol who has helped me massively in helping me work towards getting the movement back in my shoulder. I have had a mixture of acupuncture, manipulation and exercises to help with my road to recovery.Over a period of three months I have nearly achieved a full recovery which is fantastic as in such a short space of time this has been achieved. I fully recommend this Clinic and rate it as a five star, the staff at the Climic are so welcoming and friendly, you get a first class more
    Mark Bond
    Mark Bond
    20:45 17 Mar 21
    After just 3 sessions of physio and a tailored exercise regime while awaiting hip surgery I am now relatively pain free... and walking normally for the first time in 12 months. A massive thank you to Angela and the Tivoli team! I only wish I had gone to you sooner!read more
    Simon Green
    Simon Green
    23:05 25 Jan 21
    Another 5 stars! A huge thank you to Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic and especially Nadene who’s vast experience, patience,... genuine understanding and magic hands have transformed me back into exercise and normal life, something I never expected to happen so fast after being lifted by three paramedics at two in the morning with excruciating back pain! I can’t recommend the level of treatment or service provided highly enough. Thank youread more
    Eirlys G
    Eirlys G
    12:43 13 Jan 21
    My first experience of visiting a chiropractor was with Kelly Nicol. She is very friendly and I felt at ease instantly.... The treatment (and homework!) is ongoing but I feel so much better after each visit. Thanks more
    Steven Orr
    Steven Orr
    22:45 12 Jan 21
    Wonderful set up they have at the clinic, with all the gadgets and very skilled and professional staff there. I had... lower back pains and after just a couple of sessions, I could feel the difference. They use acupuncture, massage, manipulation and pure skill to help correct spine and associated muscle problems. Any back pains I get in the future - Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic are my first choice. Highly more
    Chris Fawcett
    Chris Fawcett
    17:35 12 Jan 21
    I had a painful shoulder which was affecting my arm movement and increasingly affecting my sleep. I have been... consulting Nadine for three months and am delighted with both the initial diagnosis and the treatment offered. I understand this is not a ‘quick fix’ but will need regular treatment and exercise to improve my mobility in order to regain full movement. Nadine’s expertise has helped reduce the pain, improve my sleep and maintain my positivity as my shoulder improves. I have no hesitation in recommending the clinic - very professional!read more
    Olivia Unwin
    Olivia Unwin
    13:12 16 Dec 20
    After having my first daughter I had a uterine prolapse. The GP told me nothing much could be done and I’d probably wet... myself every time I went for a run for at least one year, maybe forever. Good luck, bye bye. No further help.When I heard Louise talk at a well-being event saying the exact opposite of this and that women need not suffer endlessly after having a child I booked straight in.To my amazement she helped me get my pelvic floor in pretty good shape again. She has also supported me and given me advice in my current pregnancy, she really cares about her patients. I shall certainly be rebooking after I’ve had my second child!!!read more
    Will Hayes
    Will Hayes
    21:47 10 Nov 20
    Nadine is so much more than just a chiropractor. She’s Knowledgable, fun, caring, assertive when I’m not looking after... myself, genuine and she evidently wants the best for her patients. The set up oozes professionalism and I leave every time feeling so much lighter and freer from all my aches, pains and stresses. If only I actually did the stretches. A must visitread more
    11:18 10 Nov 20
    I always leave here feeling much better. I really like the way Nadene doesn't just treat the problem but tries to find... the cause and then gives me homework to do to address the issue. Good range of treatment including acupuncture and massage, plus we always have a good natter and a laugh, just what's needed at the moment!read more
    Sean Rodger
    Sean Rodger
    21:34 08 Nov 20
    I feel completely different since I’ve been going to the clinic. I was in agony before where I couldn’t want from the... bedroom to the room next door without limping with back and leg sciatica pain however I have been going to the clinic just a little over a month and I cannot rave enough about the improvement. T staff are super friendly too. Deffo 5 more
    Rachy Roxy
    Rachy Roxy
    23:34 04 Nov 20
    After an awful experience years ago with a chiropractor I said I would never go to a clinic again ....!! Then by magic... I met Nadine, “ The Body Whisper “ I can’t express how wonderful, professional, dedicated, understanding, kind and brilliant she is. One visit and you will be hooked !! I would never go to anyone else and during this pandemic I have never felt so safe and secure. My back is feeling so much better and trust her completely. The receptionists are welcoming, the clinic is Spotless and they are following all of the guidelines. Nadine goes the extra mile with her clients make an appointment and experience it for yourself you will not be disappointed!!read more
    Melissa Lucas
    Melissa Lucas
    20:31 30 Oct 20
    Honestly one of the best experiences I have ever had with a Chiropractor! I suffer from very bad back pain and I cannot... fault one thing about this clinic. Nadene is absolutely fantastic at her job and genuinely cares about her patients. She goes above and beyond and I wouldn't go anywhere else!read more
    Helen Tuckey
    Helen Tuckey
    08:51 28 Oct 20
    In these strange times it feels good to come somewhere so welcoming. The receptionists are always friendly and... efficient, and the window display is magnificent!Nadene was recommended to me and has been treating my shoulder for a few weeks. She genuinely cares about it getting better. I completely trust what she tells me and even feel motivated to do my exercises!read more
    Diana Sousa
    Diana Sousa
    17:27 27 Oct 20
    I just love Nadene... she is funny and more than that she is an amazing professional... i cant remember last time i had... no pain on my back till i came to see her... She's honestly there to help everyone not for the money.. i would defenelly recommend it !read more
    Rachel Mcdonald
    Rachel Mcdonald
    21:46 25 Oct 20
    I am truely grateful for Kelly and the Tivoli Chiropractic clinic. Kelly is attentive, takes a true interest in her... patients and goes the extra mile. I look forward to my sessions and enjoy making it a part of my life more
    Georgina McDonald
    Georgina McDonald
    08:05 19 Oct 20
    Nadene at Tivoli Chiropractic is amazing!! she has help me with so many of my different injuries and constant aches and... pains. Not only is Nadene lovely so is her Team, you are always welcomed with and friendly smile and nice little chat, which is already one step to making you feel better :) I really couldn't recommend her more
    Ruth Owen-Overton
    Ruth Owen-Overton
    12:36 16 Oct 20
    Nadene and her team of professionals are outstanding in their care and support. They have literally kept me moving. I... trust them completely and highly recommend this more
    Duncan Matthews
    Duncan Matthews
    13:35 13 Oct 20
    Everytime i have issues with my old back pain which consistantly comes back i take a trip ti see Nadine and like... Coldplay says, she fixes me. Amazing service and knowledge. You can only get better afrer a more
    Julia Mortlock
    Julia Mortlock
    08:09 22 Sep 20
    Plantar fasciitis is so latest 'episode' was particularly painful and long lasting (several... months). I had tried all the usual remedies (stretching, comfy supportive shoes, foot socks etc) but to no avail. Following shockwave treatment I am now completely pain free! For those who suffer from this painful foot problem I cannot recommend shockwave treatment at the Tivoli Chiropractor enough. I visited the practice during Covid and felt completely safe in Nadine's more
    Ceridwen James
    Ceridwen James
    11:22 05 Sep 20
    Fantastic first experience at Tivoli Chiropractic Clinic with Kelly.Kelly is very professional and very knowledgeable,... and with this comes a lovely personality that encourages and lifts you too.I would highly recommend the Clinic and the wonderful work they more
    Nicki Ryder
    Nicki Ryder
    17:55 26 Aug 20
    I booked my dad in with the physio, Ange and he is so pleased that he went, before returning to Bahrain. He's been... really suffering and he was just pleased to hear that it's nothing too sinister. He left Ange armed with a plan to help alleviate the pain and fix the issue. He said she was really knowledgeable and really put him at ease. Thank you, Ange!read more
    Emma OC
    Emma OC
    08:31 19 Aug 20
    Wonderful place and service. Holly and Kelly are extremely friendly and professional. I had pain in my arm and shoulder... for years and in a few weeks Kelly has sorted it as well as advising me on care and exercise at home. Booking was efficient and simple. I have recommended Tivoli Chiropractors already to several friends and will continue to use them in the more
    Alex Van Dyke
    Alex Van Dyke
    15:40 30 Jul 20
    After sustaining an injury through cricket I was unable to bowl without discomfort for 18 months before I starting... seeing Pippa at Tivoli Chiropractic. Her examination identified a number of problems that had led to my injury and were stopping me from recovering. The subsequent exercise plan has helped me on the road to recovery and I recently played my first game of cricket without any discomfort!Would highly recommend Tivoli Chiropractic. They are thorough, professional and more
    Savannah Matthews
    Savannah Matthews
    09:12 09 Jul 20
    I have been treated by Kelly for two ankle injuries. She was always professional and caring throughout treatments,... ensuring I was comfortable and educated on what injury I had, and what step by step treatment I was to expect. Procedures were always fully explained and the results were unbeatable. After only one month of treatment combined with rehabilitation, I was back on the court playing netball. Rehabilitation with Kelly not only helped my ankles to recover but also helped me to prepare to prevent further injury. I now am educated on prevention and strengthening exercises for my condition and am a very happy more
    Daniel Hopkins
    Daniel Hopkins
    12:40 12 Jun 20
    After complaining of having a tight neck and sore back, Kelly's chiropractic care helped me with my pain management and... has overall improved my sleep and health. Not only has Kelly's chiropractor skills been very helpful, her friendly attitude and kind nature put me at ease when visiting her for treatment. I highly recommend!read more
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