The superhero supplement – Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in several processes in our body. However due to modern lifestyles and the quality of food we consume, we are seeing more and more people present with symptoms of low Vitamin B12.
At Tivoli Chiropractic, we take a holistic approach to health care as we want you to feel great. In order to feel great, it goes far beyond pain levels. We are interested in your physical health, your nutrition and any stress factors at play for you. We give you tailored advice to suit your needs, however there is one key vitamin that plays a vital role in all of our health, which is Vitamin B12.
The importance of B12
Vitamin B12 is key for keeping our nervous system healthy in order for your brain and body to communicate. Vitamin B12 is absolutely vital when we heal. This is as it helps us create cells in our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. As your healing journey progresses alongside your chiropractic care, it is essential you make strong, flexible tissue to prevent a relapse of symptoms. Vitamin B12 is even important for DNA repair.
Ever wondered why you may be tired?
Well, B12 plays a key role in producing energy in our body. Vitamin B12 also breaks down hormones and chemicals in our body that can become out of balance such as adrenaline, histamine, dopamine, oestrogen and toxins. Low levels of B12 are linked to a build up of a toxic product called homocysteine. This molecule can increase inflammation and pain, which are two things we want to reduce.
How do you know if you have a Vitamin B12 deficiency?
Whilst there are blood tests to assess your serum B12 levels, the best way to assess for B12 deficiency is to look at the clinical presentation and symptoms. In fact, the NHS states that the clinical picture is the most important factor in assessing cobalamin (Vitamin B12) status because there is no gold standard test to define deficiency.
Some of the reasons for low B12 levels are we just don’t consume enough B12 in our diet. This may be due to eating a diet high in poor quality and processed foods. Vegan and vegetarian diets are lacking in B12 as well. This is because B12 is primarily found in high quality meat, so even the healthiest plant based diets require supplementation of B12. Some people may have a lack of absorption due to IBS, Coeliac or infections. Even some medications can reduce our absorption, such as stomach acid inhibitors and metformin.
Vitamin B12 deficiency may present in 3 key ways:
– Persistent pain, lower pain threshold, pins and needles, and numbness
– Fatigue
– Mood and behavioural changes
Less common symptoms include balance issues, dizziness, burning pain, fibromyalgia, memory loss and cognitive difficulties.
If B12 deficiency is involved in your complaint, your practitioner may find a mix-match in the exam findings and the presenting symptoms. In this case we will likely advise you to take a Vitamin B12 supplement.
Persistent pain, lowered pain threshold, pins and needles or numbness may present due to a lack of B12 affecting the health of our nervous system, which can lead to irreversible changes. Therefore it is important to supplement with B12.
Fatigue independent of anaemia is a very common early feature of lowering B12 levels. It can present very slowly over several years, so we may put it down to ‘getting old’, being stressed or having kids. It is not normal to feel tired all of the time. If you often do, it’s worth taking a B12.
After the fatigue, you may start to notice your mood changes, or perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with depression. This fatigue and sheer lack of energy can leave you feeling unmotivated to do things you used to enjoy.
(If you are struggling with mental health issues or depression, it is important you seek help from your GP, a healthcare professional or somebody else trained in helping with mental health. Contact the NHS, or Samaritans for free, 24 hours a day.
What can you do to help?
At Tivoli Chiropractic, it is not uncommon that we see neuromuscular skeletal dysfunctions or injury coupled with lowered B12 levels. In order for your body to heal and function correctly, and for you to feel good, it is important to address the neuromuscular skeletal dysfunction through chiropractic care, but also to make sure you have the building blocks to create new, healthy, strong and flexible tissue, and to help you nervous system heal itself.
Supplementing with a high quality Vitamin B12 is key.
We would recommend starting with a sublingual Vitamin B12 that contains 1000-2000mcg of Methylcobalamin and Adenyslcobalamin. These two types of B12 are vital. They are the best absorbed forms of B12 and your body is ready to use them.
We do not recommend taking Cyanocobalamin, an inactive form of B12.
We sell Cytoplan B12 in the clinic, so ask a member of our team for this.
Taking this daily for at least one month alongside chiropractic care will give your body an opportunity to begin the repair and recovery process, and we can then reassess your case. It is likely we will still advise you to continue supplementing with Vitamin B12 after the first month. This is simply because it is so vital for our health and is not toxic to use as it is water soluble, so any excess leaves our systems.
In some cases, we may also recommend a Methyl B12 supplement from Cytoplan. This contains B12, B6, folate and TMG (trimethylglycine). This form of B12 helps to regulate homocysteine in our body, and it is a supplement you swallow which is absorbed in the digestive tract.
Get in touch, or speak to your practitioner, if you think Vitamin B12 could help you. Your practitioner will be able to carry out a clinical assessment and examination. We even sell B12 at the clinic so during your visit you can also purchase your pot!
Email me on if you have any further queries.